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A Lesson from Carpet

 I called to schedule an appointment to measure our bedrooms for carpet replacement. This is a major victory for me. I’ve been researching and planning this since Spring. I’ve had carpet picked out since August. But I just could not make the call that would get the ball rolling. It filled me with DREAD. I’ve wondered about myself because of it. Why? Why does it seem so dreadful, so unattractive, so fearsome to make the call to begin. A couple of reasons have come to mind, the most significant being: THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS THAT COULD GO WRONG!! And therein lies the problem. I look at opportunity as a source of trouble and religiously assemble all the possible difficulties that could arise with the certainty that there will still be one that I did not prepare for. It just seems the responsible thing to do. The Bible tells us to count the cost before committing to a venture, right? Well, I’m just trying to DO IT RIGHT. But I am not. Instead of seeing opportunity   -- n

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